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Massage for full body rejuvenation – Njavarakizhi

Njavarakizhi is a two step therapy for total body care. The treatment process involves the preparation of medicated rice with other herbal medicines used with a view for sudation. This is mo

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Ayurveda treatment for weight/inch loss – Udwartanam

The same medicated powders used for Podi Kizhi is used for this type of massage also. There are two ways of doing this type of Massage. In the first method medicated powder is made into past

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Ayurveda Treatment for knee joint pain and stiffness – jaanu basti

It is one of the most popular treatment for acute or chronic knee pain. It is one of the sub-type of Panchkarma. “Janu” means knees and “Basti” means retaining something inside which

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